--> Chamber of Commerce
Bruce Mines Ontario  Chamber Logo


The Chamber has been in operation since 1894 but was previously known as the Board of Trade.  Since then the Chamber has been helping the community to celebrate various events, helping local businesses to market themselves and supporting various community changes to make Bruce Mines a better place to live. Find out more on our Community Profile.

In addition to helping local businesses, the Chamber has also recognized demands for products or services in the area and helped to either raise money, or the man-power required, to ensure that these services be implemented.

The Chamber was incorporated in 1984 and since then has had a Board of Directors (Executive Committee), president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary.

Mission Statement

To promote and improve trade, commerce, economic, civic and social welfare of the district served by this organization. Find out more on Chamber Initiatives.

Please click here for a copy of the Community in Action final report commissioned by the Town of Bruce Mines and Plummer Additional Township.

Catchment Area (Supported Area)

The Chamber's catchment area served includes the Town of Bruce Mines, Townships of Johnson and Plummer Additional and as far north as Primeau Lake. However, the businesses and residents from other areas are also welcome to join.

Membership and Meetings

Membership automatically provides free listing in the Bruce Mines Chamber of Commerce brochure and a free listing on our website. From there, we will provide either a link to your own website, or, where our members do not have their own website, we will provide a mini web page within our Business Directory, with your business details, photo, contact email and/or telephone number.

You will also receive an invitation to the Chamber's Meet & Greet Social meetings which are normally held at 7:00pm on the first Tuesday of January, April, June & October.  Location of each Meet & Greet will be advised nearer the time.

The Board of Directors and Committee Heads also meet on the last Friday of every month.

If you would like to join the chamber or if you have any queries about our membership, contact membership@brucemineschamber.com.